Saturday, 10 October 2009

Meteor crash site

The meteor crash site is located in Kreludor. Apparently this meteor crashed in the Neopia moon. Every hour you can visit the meteor, you get the option of running away or poking the meteor with a stick. If you run away then nothing will happen, but if you chose to poke the meteor, it may open up and offer you a reward. There are forty different space items you can get rewarded with. Most of these items are useless pieces of junk, although there are some rare items. However, you can still sell these items in your shop for a small profit.

You can probably guess that most of the time nothing will happen when you poke the meteor. Though, if you poke the meteor too often you will normally get a message from an angry scientist.

So, is the meteor site worth visiting? This is a yes or no answer. Firstly, yes because it completely free and you can sell the items you get rewarded from the meteor. And, no because nothing really happens when you poke the meteor.


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