Sunday, 1 November 2009

BHNS – Sharing Neopoints Interest

This is part two of the Black hat Neopoint series.

We all know you get daily interest from the bank depending on the amount of the Neopoints you have saved. If you have very little Neopoints saved in bank then the interest you will receive will also be very little. On the other hand, if you have tonnes of the Neopoints in the bank then you will probably receive a healthy amount of daily interest.

Here comes the sneaky part. You firstly need to find a group of people who play Neopoints. Then you place everyone’s Neopoints into a single bank account. This means that you will gain the accumulated interest of all the Neopoints from the single account. So, by having all your Neopoint account you gain the benefits of gaining larger amounts of daily interest payments.

Say, for example you have 10 friends or people you know who play Neopets. You need to deposit everyone’s Neopoints into a single account. If everyone has approximately 400,000np currently saved in there bank account then you would have roughly 4 million if everyone placed there Neopoints into a single account.


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